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Skills it can help build
Fine motor skills through tasks that require precise and controlled movements, such as stitching, threading and pinching
Sensory exploration through working with different materials like fabric, clay, textas, beads and thread
Following instructions by engaging with step-by step guided instructions to produce various products
Executive functioning skills as participants plan, sequence and organise tasks and equipment and see activities through to completion
What's in your toolbox

Vision Board Template
For creating a unique expression of self to draw on as inspiration for the projects.

Bookmark Kit
With wooden bookmarks, wool, beads and a blunt needle.

Beading Kit
Contains an assortment of beads and string for jewellery making projects.

Fabric Pen Kit
With a canvas hat, tote bag and fabric markers for customising the items.

Clay Kit
With supplies to make DIY nature pendants and pinch pots.

Visual instruction cards
To support participants in executing the projects at home.

Information card
To help parents and caregivers in understand and deliver the program.

Video training
To support children and caregivers in the delivery of the therapy at home.

Does this sound familiar?
"My tween needs to work on their fine motor skills, but finds a lot of activities or therapies too junior."
"My child finds it difficult to sustain their focus on an activity and see it through to completion."
"My child is reluctant to try new activities or projects that require new skills for fear of failure."
If these challenges sound familiar, you are not alone - it's exactly why we've designed this program.
What the program covers
The Express Yourself Program aims to build skills through a series of projects that provide opportunities for self-expression, creative exploration and joy.
The projects include creating a bookmark, jewellery-making, designing your own hat and tote bag and clay-based activities. These projects are delivered using instruction cards, guided videos and through the toolbox.
Each project includes one main activity that's explained and modelled to help embed new creative skills and techniques. Participants are then encouraged to apply these skills new creations using their own adaptations.
The program also involves an initial vision-planning activity where participants explore and identify sources of inspiration, self-confidence boosters and strengths and qualities that are unique to them.
By engaging participants in hands-on tasks that support imagination and creativity, we aim to support new skills and a sense of self-confidence as participants see their creations come to life.

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