Sound Awareness Program

Regular price $386.00
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This program is designed to support pre-literacy development in children aged 3 to 6 through fun, sound-based activities that can build foundational skills for future reading and writing. By focusing on rhyming, sound discrimination, blending and segmenting, Sound Awareness  Program aims to strengthen active listening, vocabulary, phonological awareness and phonics skills.

The interactive games offer opportunities to develop social skills like turn-taking and collaboration, while tasks involving sound recognition and pattern identification can promote cognitive and critical thinking abilities. The program also includes fine motor activities to develop coordination and finger strength, supporting early handwriting skills. With a playful approach, Sound Awareness Program aims to help children gain confidence as they prepare for school.

Created for ages 3 – 6

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Skills it can help build



Cognitive function skills through sound awareness activities like phoneme manipulation, auditory discrimination, and pattern recognition, children engage in critical thinking and problem-solving. These tasks can help them to make connections, identify patterns, aiming to build a strong foundation for early learning and literacy development



Executive function skills through game-based activities that involve blending and segmenting sounds can encourage children to plan, focus and follow directions. These tasks can also help to strengthen decision-making and goal-setting abilities, supporting their ability to stay organised and complete tasks effectively



Fine motor skills through hands-on activities like manipulating small objects and tools during sound-based games aim to promote hand-eye coordination and finger strength. These tasks can support fine motor development by laying the groundwork for skills like handwriting and other precise movements



Language and communication skills through interactive activities such as rhyming and sound discrimination aim to nurture pre-literacy skills which are useful building blocks for later literacy success. By introducing new vocabulary and practising sentence structures, the program may also support children’s expressive and receptive language development



What's in your toolbox

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Spot markers

A versatile tool for turning early literacy learning into a fun, movement-based activity.

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Slimy Rhymes

Teaches rhyme recognition and generation, as well as sentence building using a fun, interactive game.

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Eye Spy with My Little Eye

Targets initial sound awareness, with options to also target syllable awareness, alliteration, segmenting, blending and onset-rime recognition.

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CVC Word Builders game

Teaches letter-sound recognition (phonics), segmenting, blending and early reading and spelling.

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To turn letter formation and recognition into a fun, interactive and sensory experience.

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Facilitator pamphlet

To support the delivery of the therapy program at home.

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Online training

Developed by a Speech Pathologist to support children in building their skills at home.

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Does this sound familiar?

"I would like my child to attend a school-readiness group, but I cannot access one locally."

"I struggle with literacy myself and I don’t want my child to have the same struggles at school that I did."

"My child has an interest in letters, but I have no idea how to support and encourage this interest to maximise their literacy outcomes."

If these challenges sound familiar, you are not alone. It’s exactly why we’ve designed this program.

If these challenges sound familiar, you are not alone. This program is specifically designed to help support children build their understanding of language and communication development.


What the program covers

Would you like to support your child to feel prepared for starting school? Do you want to increase your knowledge of what you could be doing in addition to reading to your child to support their early literacy skills?

This program focuses on developing sound awareness skills such as rhyming, segmenting, blending and phonics, while also supporting vocabulary growth and auditory discrimination. Through engaging activities like movement games, board games and sensory activities, children can explore these skills in a way that aligns with their unique interests and developmental needs, building confidence and readiness for school.

Social and cognitive development is also supported through cooperative play integrated with phonological tasks, aiming to help children build skills like focus, problem-solving and following directions. Additionally, fine motor activities are incorporated to enhance hand-eye coordination and prepare children for handwriting.

Parents and caregivers will receive practical tools and strategies that can foster early literacy at home, with adaptable activities that can be scaled up or down depending on the child’s abilities and goals. With a focus on nurturing a love of learning, Sound Awareness Program offers a versatile and supportive approach to prepare children for formal schooling and future literacy success.

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Sound Awareness Program (5).png

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