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We have 2 core beliefs; that all humans are biologically programmed to play, and that play is the way for all humans to live a happy, healthy and confident life. For us, it’s time to simplify and come back to basics when it comes to parenting and child development. To drop the long list of ‘shoulds’ and return to a simple but impactful foundation for our families. And play is at the centre of that for us.

When we are adopting this back to basics approach, we also refer to our 5 principles. These timeless foundations support us to keep it simple when it comes to parenting. To focus on what matters and what really makes a difference in the health and happiness of our children.​

Time in nature

Time in nature allows us to practise effortless attention that leads to feelings of pleasure and reduces fatigue. Time in nature energises both the body and mind and is essential to good health. Research shows that kids who regularly play outside are often smarter, happier, less anxious and have longer attention spans. Activities such as walking through a park, visiting a pond or lake, gardening and backyard play all elicit these benefits. These positive benefits are enhanced by spending time in nature with no shoes on, which allows our feet to connect to the earth.


Movement ensures that we develop important foundations for becoming happy, healthy and confident people, including core strength and coordination. Movement helps us to regulate our breathing, heart rate and emotions and increases our attention span and ability to cope with stress. Children need at least 2 hours a day of energetic movement such as running, jumping, crawling, climbing, carrying objects, riding a bike or scooter or swimming to maximise brain and body growth.

Real food

We all need to eat real food every day. Real food is fresh, healthy and contains minimal additives or preservatives. This should include two serves of fruit and at least five serves of vegetables every day. Many children with ADHD, ASD, anxiety and challenging behaviours are also fussy eaters or regularly eat foods high in sugar, preservatives, colouring and additives. There is also increasing evidence suggesting a link between gut health, inflammatory disease and mental health issues. At The Play Way, we believe that educating parents, carers and children about food helps create positive eating habits, resulting in overall better health and wellbeing.

Quality sleep

Consistency of bedtime, duration of sleep and quality of sleep directly affects how brains create and repair neural pathways. Children who do not get enough quality sleep are more prone to challenging behaviours, hyperactivity and learning difficulties and may struggle to regulate their emotions. Conversely, children who get enough sleep have improved attention spans, memories and behaviour and better mental and physical health. Children aged 6 or under need at least 11 hours of sleep each night and primary school children need slightly less. Sleep requirements increase again during adolescence to support significant brain growth.

Love and Connection

 All children need to experience loving and positive relationships to maximise development. When children feel nurtured and secure they create bonds that assures them they are safe. This enables their brain to develop the neural pathways necessary to develop a strong sense of self, the ability to express their emotions and to learn the social skills necessary to make and maintain relationships. This all contributes to better learning outcomes and more rounded adults. Physical contact such as hugs, high fives and pats on the back, along with verbal feedback (such as being told they are doing a great job and are loved) will maximise love and connections.


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